Starting out on and establishing your blogging career can be very exciting, yet at the same time it can be likened to taking a roller-coaster ride. During your first year you are filled with enthusiasm and anticipation as you start to climb up into the air. But as with any roller-coaster ride, there is a time where you seem to come crashing down again before another slow and steady rise to your next peak.
Most bloggers will experience peaks and troughs in their first year of blogging. There will be a lot of excitement, followed by periods of frustration or even depression. The important thing here is never to give up trying. Your blogging journey may never run very smoothly to begin with, but it is a journey and you must continue on with it for it to become a successful journey.
We have spoken to a few seasoned bloggers that have passed on some of their wisdom and useful tips for help new bloggers who are just starting out to get ahead and to better establish their blog. Lets take a closer look at some of the better ones:
Tip one: Promote Established Bloggers to Drive Your Traffic
There is no point having a well-crafted and information rich blog if no-one knows you are there. By far the quickest way to drive traffic to your blog is by promoting other more well established bloggers on your site. Choosing a few bloggers to feature on your blog that are already recognised authority figures within your particular niche will certainly help attract visitors who are performing searches for them.
Here is a list of what you can do:
- Facebook: Share their posts on your own Facebook page
- Follow and build friendships with fellow bloggers on social media and by signing up for email alerts
- Google Plus: Share their posts
- LinkedIn: Share their posts
- Twitter: Retweet their posts
What will happen is that your chosen experts or authority figures will recognise that you are actively sharing their work and in return will be more inclined to share your blog posts with their own audience. If you can work hard on building a friendship with some core experts in your field by partaking in social media threads, conversations and live events, then you will eventually become recognised as a peer and fellow authority in your field.
This is a win – win situation because the more expert bloggers you promote, the more they will return the favour and promote your posts and the more blog traffic you will receive.
Tip two: Build Your Email List
Practically every seasoned blogger will tell you that building an email list is very important. Not setting up an email capturing system from day one is something that many bloggers go on to regret. Don’t let your enthusiasm for writing and getting your words and thoughts out on the blog distract you from the nitty-gritty of setting up an email list. Growing your list is like creating a network of readers who are hungry for your work. It is like generating instant traffic on demand when you put up a new blog post.
Notifying your list can also boost your social media shares and comments as your readers will want to add their opinions, discuss your ideas or make suggestions. They are more likely to share to their own friends and get them involved in the conversation too. Your most avid and dedicated followers will most likely have very like-minded friends who may also be interested in what you have to say on your blog. This will encourage new sign-ups to your email list and then they in turn are more likely to comment on and share your fresh posts to their network as you publish them.
Email is still a useful way to reach your readers. While your readers may have bookmarked your blog and added your feed to their social media, your email notification is more likely to be spotted as people often check their emails at least 1 – 4 or more times per day.
Tip three: Believe in your money making skills
Making money from your blog takes time, patience, skill, passion and practice. Developing your skills both as a writer and as an expert in your field are your ultimate money making skills. Never stop learning – there is always more to learn about and new information surfacing that is worthy of investigation, dissemination and discussion.
Developing your writing skills is something that should be an ongoing process. In years gone past, bloggers that tried to manipulate people into buying something were not successful without developing useful and persuasive writing skills. People became savvy to old-school advertising tricks and would quickly go cold on the blogger who tried to use them.
Bloggers that used false tricks, deception and hype to get traffic to their site were always caught out by the latest Google update. This in turn left them high and dry with content that was practically useless. You could say that bloggers paid the price back then for not providing useful and valuable information. This is lesson new bloggers must heed and avoid making the same mistakes through diligent practice.
New bloggers should focus on developing these skills:
- Formal copywriting
- Networking skills
- Social writing
- Video creating
Perfecting these skills will help to lay the foundation for a promising and lucrative blogging career.
Tip four: Pay what your blog is worth
While it is true that most bloggers start out on their blogging career using a free template and platform, such as WordPress etc. you will eventually learn that using free blogging platforms, or even clinging on to cheap and cheerful hosting packages, isn’t going to cut it in the long-run.
By using free or overly-cheap hosting with little flexibility, it is almost like you are de-valuing yourself, your skills and your capabilities. Is this a true reflection of your worth as a blogger? Do you not value yourself and your skills more than this?
If you take a close look at the expert or authority bloggers successfully working within your chosen niche, you will notice that they choose to pay for premium hosting, such as VPS hosting (virtual private seller) with bespoke themes that more perfectly reflect the mood and direction of their chosen field. If you want to move up in your blogging circles and want to be taken seriously as a professional blogger by your peers, then ditch your ‘amateur hour’ status and upgrade to something more reliable, substantial and befitting of your worth.
At a very basic level, make sure you invest in the following to build and establish your online presence:
- A bespoke premium theme tailored to suit your aims and objectives
- A positive and recognisable brand image and consistent colour scheme
- Premium hosting that is fast and reliable
Further reading :Definitive Guide to Web Hosting for New Businesses
Tip five: Profit from your passions
You want to make money from your blog, right? Monetising your blog purely to earn money is never a good idea. So many new bloggers fall into the trap of choosing a topic to blog about simply because it is popular and can see that potentially there is some easy money to be had. This is the wrong approach to take.
Lots of bloggers in the past have started new blogs in different fields because they saw them as potential cash flow streams. They would start these with little thought to actually sustaining them long-term or even if they actually enjoyed writing about the topics they covered. One of the most important aspects to building and running a successful blog is sustainability. If you are not passionate about your blog, then you will have little motivation to write fresh content for it in a consistent manner. You will also lack the drive to go and do the necessary research to discover new and valuable information to share with your readers.
No passion = no motivation = no money.
You will struggle to earn anything from a blog if you are chasing profits over passion.
If you are setting out on the blogging path to make money, then add income streams that you enjoy working on. There are bloggers making money from more than one blog simply because they chose to start blogging about their passions and interests rather than what subjects are making money right now. This is why you should never choose a topic based solely on your earning potential in that field.
As a new blogger you should take some time to list your passions and interests. Whether this is baking, arts and crafts, circus skills, creating videos, building games, designing websites, you name it – go mad! Keep writing your list until you have exhausted your passions.
Tip six: Follow the money
Follow the best bloggers in your particular niche or chosen field. These guys know what they are doing and are obviously making some steady income from their blogs – otherwise why would they spend so much time on them?
Look out for any advice and tips from your favourite bloggers that you can follow or emulate. Quite often you can find valuable information by digging through their past work and archives. You can greatly improve your learning curve by doing this and learning to avoid the mistakes that others have made, or copy what changes they made to improve their blog.
Make friends with professional bloggers in your field and ask them for their help and guidance. Ask their opinions on things and thank them for any advice they care to offer. Show your appreciation and be truly grateful for their help. Everyone loves flattery and if you can flatter or compliment with sincerity, you will be more likely to receive more help in the future.
Here is what we suggest you do:
- Buy products through their blog
- Buy top blogger’s e Books
- Hire authority bloggers to coach you
- Join email lists
- Visit their blog regularly to read their posts
- Study their posts and learn their style
- Keep useful notes on their posts
- Follow top bloggers social media pages
- Comment on their blog posts and social media posts
Tip seven: Love your blog
Most new bloggers will start up their blog on the side and work on it after work or at the weekends. If you can honestly say that after a long day at work, you will still have the passion, drive and desire to open up your blog at start writing at night while others are busy relaxing, then you truly love your blog.
What you have to understand is that top professional bloggers absolutely live, breathe, eat and sleep blogging. It never switches off! If you work a day job and can spend hours thinking about your blog, then you definitely have the blog bug.
Here are your key essential tasks to getting your blog up and running:
- Writing daily
- Networking daily
- Thinking about fresh topics for your blog
- Researching useful relevant information
Blogging can be difficult sometimes, but if you have the drive, enthusiasm and passion to do even a little bit or work every day, you will quickly be able to reap what you sow. By following these tips you will also be able to build a solid foundation to build your blog upon as well as form a very supportive network around yourself of readers, followers and fellow bloggers.