In this post I will quickly explain what web hosting is. Web hosting is the online service that provides space for websites. Without web hosting, it’s impossible to have a website created, as each website needs an area of space to be set up within. How Does Hosting Work? Your website would be stored on
What is VPS? – Guide to VPS Hosting
VPS hosting, or virtual private server hosting, is a relatively new concept in the computing world. You’ll find that many companies are marketing VPS to customers. Few people truly understand what it is, though, and why it’s better than other options on the market. Companies are increasingly turning to VPS hosting, so it’s important to
The Pros and Cons of Advertising Your Business with Facebook Ads
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying the importance of Facebook. Considered to be the top social media site in the world, it has billions of users and millions of people who are active on the site multiple times a day, sometimes for hours on end. Few people can resist the pull of the
Definitive Guide To Web Hosting for New Businesses
In this guide I’m going to explain the different types of web hosting for new businesses. In it you will discover: What is web hosting How web hosting works The different types of web hosting The different features of web hosting Which web hosting is the best for your situation Let’s get started. What is